
11 November 2024 - Restocking
We have had a stocking again at Powdermill this week and anglers have already had catches
of some beautiful rainbows. The autumnal weather is looking more seasonal this week with
a bit more sunshine and a drop in temperature so it’s a lovely time to come out and fish. We
look forward to seeing you!
16 September 2024 - Restocking
Good morning all. Now that we have had a bit of a cold spell we shall be stocking the lake again this week. We still have good water levels this year and the temperature is going down so we should start to see some results. Hopefully you will come and enjoy some good autumn fishing and we look forward to seeing you at the lake again soon.
2 May 2024 - Full Reservoir and clear water!
Well, after that early rain which never seemed to stop (!) we have a very full reservoir and clear water. In line with our stocking policy for this year, we have been stocking since early February and now have good numbers of good sized superb fish...
The Mayfly has now just started its hatch and the fishing is excellent with lots of 6 fish bags daily. A few days of showery rain is forecast over the weekend but after that the weather is looking warm and settled and Powdermill is the place to be. Everything is looking fresh and green with lots of wildlife and the bluebells are spectacular this year.
Day and afternoon tickets are available for bank or boat fishing and we are selling 3 and 5 day batch tickets at reduced rates. We are still offering membership for the Club and welcome new members. We have Mayfly flies for sale if required.
Come and see us soon and enjoy a lovely day fishing at beautiful Powdermill.
6 October 2023 - Fish Delivery!
Good morning everyone. I hope you are all ok and will be looking forward to getting back to doing some fishing now that we are heading towards the cooler weather, even though warm weather is forecast again this weekend!! However, it won’t last and although the water level at Powdermill is very low, we are now seeing the water temperature dropping and have been able to continue with our stocking programme. We have had a fish delivery this week and the fishing should now improve, so its time to come and see us again.
We are looking forward to seeing you soon!
1 March 2023 - Notification of Club AGM
Please note that the Club AGM will take place on Saturday 1 st April at Sedlescombe Village
Hall. There will be a Shareholders’ meeting at 10am, followed by a general meeting for
members, to include any shareholders who wish to remain for that meeting, at 11am.
If you have any matters you would like to have raised at the meeting please let me know so
that I can include them in the Agenda. Would you please also let Mary know if you will be
attending either meeting.
Powdermill looking lovely this morning and all ready for opening day this Saturday 18 th
February. The lake is now fully stocked and we have plenty of water, weather is looking
promising for Saturday so we are ready to welcome you all for the first day of the season at
Hastings Flyfishers’ Club. Looking forward to the new season and to seeing everyone again,
and welcome to all new members.
Powdermill, February 2023

Click on pic above to see more!
9 January 2023
Good morning. Hope all is well with you and you are managing to avoid all the coughs and
colds around at the moment. It appears that some of you have not received the emails sent
out before Christmas about renewing memberships for the 2023 Season, This is therefore
just a reminder that the subscriptions for this year are now due and I look forward to hearing
from you with your payment. Thank you to all those members who have already paid, I am
keeping the membership cards here until you come fishing in order to save postage. The new
season will start on 18 th February and we are all looking forward to seeing you then.
If you have not already paid, or you wish to join the Club this year as a new member, the fee
for membership this year is £525.00 for shareholders and £550.00 for members. Good value
for unlimited fishing throughout the year. (6 fish daily limit up to a maximum of 120 fish per
season). Batches of boat tickets are also available.
Payment can be made by bank transfer or by card payment at the Club office.
The stocking programme is under way and will be stocked ready to start the season and we
have a very full lake of water, so fingers crossed for good weather for 18 th February.
Thank you, I look forward to seeing you soon.
2023 Season Prices
9 Dec, Membership and Ticket Prices for 2023
Please see our Membership, Ticket and Boat prices for next year. 2023 Season Prices
21 Oct 2022 - Road Closure Notice
We have had notification about road closures that will be taking place over the next few weeks due to work by Open Reach. As from Monday 24th October the road from Sedlescombe to Hurst Lane will be closed so if you are coming to the reservoir, you will either have to come from the Brede end down Pottery Lane or alternatively there will be a diversion up through Sedlescombe Village so that you come down Hurst Lane from the top end. You can then get through the lane to Powdermill from Hurst Lane.
7 Oct 2022 - Good News!! Restocking!!
The water temperature has now dropped to a level low enough for us to
restock and we have 2 deliveries planned for next week. We are still having some lovely late
sunny days so now’s a good time to come and enjoy some cooler days fishing.
The slightly not so good news is that we still have some algae on the water so it is quite
coloured but the fish are underneath and still there to catch.
We also have some new stock in the “tackle shop” so do come and see us for a browse and a
We are looking forward to seeing you!
14 July 2022 - Tony Clark and Terry Beeching
We are sad to report the death of two of our very long term members, Tony Clark from
Eastbourne who enjoyed fishing with the Club both here at Powdermill and back in the day at
Darwell. Although Tony has been in poor health for some time and was unable to fish
during the Covid period he managed to come fishing this year. He was so happy to be able to
get out in the wheelie boat with the help of his wife, Sally and was delighted that he caught
fish. A very happy day for him.
We shall miss Tony as he was well like and respected and a genuinely nice man. The
Directors and Club members join me in sending our sympathy and condolences to his wife
and family.
The funeral will take place on Thursday 28 th July at Eastbourne Crematorium.
We are also sorry to say that Terry Beeching has died this week, after a very short spell in
hospital. Although Terry has been in poor health for a while, he appeared to have made a
good comeback from his earlier illness and operation this year and we were delighted that he
was able to make some successful fishing trips with the help of some of the other club
members for which we were all very grateful.
We shall all miss Terry as he was a popular visitor to the Club and was always cheerful with
a great sense of humour.
Two great anglers who will be very missed by the club and by their families. Funeral
arrangements for Terry will follow when I have further details.
24 May - Jackets for Sale
If you are looking to buy a new waterproof jacket, I have two very nice items to sell. I have two Airflo jackets in extra large, one which has the trousers with it as a complete set. They are in perfect condition.
I also have a almost new Airflo boat seat in carrying bag, with padded fixed seat. We still have some rods and other items of tackle for sale. Please contact me if you are interested in any of these items.
It is nice to see familiar faces back again now that we are offering day tickets this year and everyone has very much enjoyed some excellent fishing.
Mary 01424 870498
06 April - Items for Sale
Lovely view of a warm day at Powdermill 2 weeks ago, more of the same please!! Although the weather has turned colder since then, Powdermill is still continuing to fish well, we have had some top quality fish stock deliveries and members and day ticket visitors have enjoyed some excellent returns.
We have some items for sale in the “tackle shop”, some beautifully carved sticks, second hand rods and also a very nice set of Pentax binoculars 12x24. Contact Mary at the office if you are interested in any of these items. You can also click on
this list of rods for sale.
Hope to see you at the lake soon, day tickets available this year.
Some pics..

Click on pic above to see more!
25 Feb 2022
Well, we picked a pretty wild weekend to begin fishing at Powdermill this year!! Despite the rough weather, some of our members who said “I’ve never missed an opening day”!! managed some good catches including some 6 fish limits.
The weather has now improved a bit we hope and is beautiful here today. Although we are continuing to offer batch tickets of 5 or 3 days or half days for this year, which work out a bit cheaper, we shall also be doing day tickets.
We hope to see you soon for some enjoyable days at Powdermill
14th Feb 2022 : New Season (almost!)
We are getting close to the start of the season on Saturday 19th February and hope you are all looking forward to some early fishing, hopefully the weather will stay good and the lake is now well stocked so ready to go!
I still have not heard from all members with subscriptions and I should be grateful if you could get these in now as soon as possible please if you are planning to join us again this year.
Whilst Vic is still waiting for his operation and during the time he will be recovering afterwards, he will not be able to bail any boats required. Bobby is going to help us with this for the time being, when he is able to. There will not be any boats bailed before 9am during this time and we would ask you to please bail your own boat if you require one to take out earlier than that. Please bear with us during the time Vic is not available and if you are able to give any help it would be much appreciated.
For all day visitors, fishing and boats must be paid for at the time of booking when Mary is at the office on 01424 870498 every weekday morning between 8.30 and 12. For any other information or booking out of those hours, please ring Mary on 07831793036, but again, if possible please, keep to those office hours just to assist us for the time being.
Hoping for a good season and we’re looking forward to seeing everyone up at the lake very soon.
Chris, Tim, Vic and Mary
23rd June 2021 : Day Tickets!!
We are continuing to offer 3 or 5 day Batch tickets for fishing at Powdermill and will also
now be offering single Day Tickets from 1 st July. The Price for day or half day is as follows:-
Single Day Ticket £45.00
Afternoon Ticket £35.00
Boats £12 or £6.
We are still operating a booking in system. Please speak to Mary, Club Secretary for further
11th June 2021 : Temporary Memberships
We are still enjoying a good Mayfly hatch here at Powdermill and there has been
some excellent fishing this year. In order to ensure we could allow everyone to fish
safely, we have had a waiting list for those anglers wanting to purchase batch tickets
of 3 or 5 days or afternoons. With the booking in system working very well we have
been able to accommodate members and temporary members and are now able to
release some further batch tickets, for the remainder of the season.
Prices are as follows:
Batch of 3 day tickets £120.00
Batch of 5 Day tickets £200.00
3 Afternoon Tickets £90.00
5 Afternoon tickets £150.00
For further details, please contact Mary, Club Secretary any weekday morning
between 8.30 and 12.30 on 01424 870498 or on 07831793036 out of office hours.
04/05/2021 : ROAD CLOSURE
2021: April Membership News
Due to Covid restrictions over the past year, we took the decision that we would not have any
day visitors to Powdermill and have only sold pre-booked tickets in batches of 3 or 5. We
have also operated a booking in system which has enabled us to control angler numbers and
ensure that everyone gets the booking they have requested.
We have increased our full membership and this, together with the number of batch tickets
we have sold for this year means that we are now closing our membership list and will also
not be selling any further batch tickets until after the regulations are due to be lifted on 21 st
June. We believe this to be the fairest way to try to ensure that all our current full and
temporary members can enjoy adequate visits, particularly throughout May and. If necessary,
June when we are anticipating the lake will be fishing at its best and will be popular.
We shall be keeping a waiting list, both for full membership and for the batch tickets and if
we find that there are places available during May, applicants will be contacted in strict
rotation to see if they wish to take up any place if we are not as busy as anticipated on any
particular day.
We hope that everyone will appreciate that by doing this we can try to make sure no one is
disappointed and we can all continue to enjoy safe and regulated fishing at Powdermill as we
have over the last year.
April 2021: Caught by one of our members!

2021: February News Update: We are now Open!
We are pleased to say we are now open and our members have been enjoying some good
results at Powdermill. Two fish of 5lb 14oz and 5lb 7oz have been caught this week and
there have been plenty of 6 fish per day limits caught since we re-opened.
We are still operating the booking in system and will again only be offering a limited number
of batch day tickets throughout the season. Membership numbers have increased and we
have a few vacancies left for full membership for the 2021 season. Please contact Club
Secretary, Mary, for further information on 01424 870498.
2021: January News Update
The Club is now closed for fishing until we start the
new season, hopefully on 15 th February, provided the Government regulations allow it. Our
stocking schedule is on track for the start of the season and we expect to be fully stocked at
Powdermill by 8 th March.
We were very sorry to learn of the closure of Arlington Reservoir for angling and sympathise
with our fellow anglers in that area who are now denied their fishing. Some of you will have
enjoyed some days fishing at Powdermill and we hope that we shall see you during this
season. We shall again be offering 3 or 5 day batch tickets for the season and we also still
have a limited number of full memberships available. We can also offer accommodation for
fishing holidays at our on-site, Mayfly Lodge.
Hope to see you during 2021.
5th Nov: Covid Update
Good morning all. We have had many meetings and discussions to try to get
the right interpretation of the Government's new lockdown guidelines for
November. The overriding message in the Government's guidelines is that
everyone should "Stay at Home". As Directors responsible for the Club we
have to decide whether or not to allow the Club to remain open. The majority
of members and the Board are classed as clinically vulnerable and we have to
take extra care not to put ourselves and each other at risk from catching this
virus. You are allowed to meet one other person outside of your household in a
public place for exercise and recreation and The Angling Trust have
interpreted this to say that fishing is permissible. However, they also say that
they are seeking additional clarification from the Government, and this will be
updated. We are also very aware that where possible keen anglers will want to
get out and continue to fish. With all that in mind, what we have decided for
now is to stay OPEN with further strict regulations of our own in order to
comply with the Government guidelines. We will be reviewing the situation on
a daily basis and will continue to seek guidance from The Angling Trust and
Sport England. There can be no social gathering, either inside or outside and
the clubhouse will be closed to everyone, WITHOUT EXCEPTION. We cannot
make drinks and if Vic is outside talking to one person, he cannot be joined by
anyone else. Please continue to book in for your timed fishing slot and stick to
those times. Do not just turn up hoping to fish. Please tackle up in the car park
and then go straight out to fish. In this way we are hopeful we can stay open
through November, but we will continue to monitor the situation and will take
the decision to close if we feel the risks are too great or if we are forced to do so.
Our main objective is to keep everyone safe and to keep the Club thriving for
the future and we have to consider the best way of doing both.
As I have said before, we are grateful to you all for your continued support and
would ask you all to continue to help us by complying and above all, STAY
Chris, Tim, Vic and Mary
27th Oct: New Stock
We had some beautiful fish delivered before the weekend, including some of 4lb plus and Powdermill is now fully stocked with top quality rainbows. Members have been enjoying some excellent fishing catching on sedges and hare's ears. After the weekend's heavy rain the water level is again rising and there are plenty of fish moving around.
Some memberships are still available for this year and through to the end of 2021 and although we are not offering single day tickets this year, batch tickets of 3 or 5 days can be purchased from the Club office for some enjoyable days' fishing this autumn.
See our Prices page for further details.
14th Sept: John Noble
We are sad to say we have learned of the death last week of one of our long
term members, John Noble.
John has been a member and supporter of the Club for over 20 years and, at one
time, served on the Board of Directors. His membership number was 59 and as
new numbers now issued are in the 700s this gives an idea of his many years of
coming to fish at Powdermill, and before that at Darwell. He was a kind and
courteous man and was very respected by all members both personally and for
his skill and fishing ability. We were sad when he became too poorly to rejoin
the club and he will be missed by us all.
The directors, secretary and members all send their condolences to Flo and his
We are pleased to say we have been able to keep to our planned stocking schedule, which we arranged at the beginning of the year to provide improved late season stocking and we have two very large fish deliveries arriving this week which will include fish up to 10lb.
After a very hot spell, now with the cooler evenings, the water temperature is dropping and with these new deliveries, we are hopeful of some excellent autumn fishing.
It is still compulsory for all Anglers to book in with the Club Secretary for a timed visit and in order to provide quality fishing for everyone, we are limiting the available boats to 5 each day and we would therefore advise early booking for both boat and bank fishing to ensure you are not disappointed.
Although we are still not admitting day visitors, our temporary membership batch tickets have proved very popular and we have a limited number of these still available, either for day or evening visits which can be purchased as a block of 3 or 5 tickets. Full Club memberships, available now which will include the remainder of this season, through to the end of 2021, are also available at a special discounted rate. Please contact Mary, Club Secretary on 01424 870498 for further details.
We look forward to seeing you in the beautiful surroundings at Powdermill Reservoir very soon!
We are pleased to say we have been able to keep to our planned stocking schedule, which we arranged at the beginning of the year to provide improved late season stocking and we have two very large fish deliveries arriving this week which will include fish up to 10lb.
After a very hot spell, now with the cooler evenings, the water temperature is dropping and with these new deliveries, we are hopeful of some excellent autumn fishing.
It is still compulsory for all Anglers to book in with the Club Secretary for a timed visit and in order to provide quality fishing for everyone, we are limiting the available boats to 5 each day and we would therefore advise early booking for both boat and bank fishing to ensure you are not disappointed.
Although we are still not admitting day visitors, our temporary membership batch tickets have proved very popular and we have a limited number of these still available, either for day or evening visits which can be purchased as a block of 3 or 5 tickets. Full Club memberships, available now which will include the remainder of this season, through to the end of 2021, are also available at a special discounted rate. Please contact Mary, Club Secretary on 01424 870498 for further details.
We look forward to seeing you in the beautiful surroundings at Powdermill Reservoir very soon!
3rd August: Bernie Meaden
We are very sad to report that we have, today, learned of the recent death of Bernie Meaden,
one of our longstanding and well respected Club members.
The Directors and members all send sincere condolences to Mrs Meaden and her family at
this sad time.
Bernie was an excellent fisherman and was well liked and respected by all the Club members
who knew him. We always enjoyed his visits to see us at Powdermill and he will be sadly missed.
27th July: Stocking
The last fish caught on Mayfly was on 22 nd June and since then we have had steady catches
every day, mostly on hoppers and pheasant tail nymphs. The water temperature has remained
low enough to enable us to have a further stocking delivery and following that large delivery
this week we have had some excellent results with anglers getting their 6 fish limits with 26
fish caught on one day, both from the bank and the boats.
There are now plenty of fish in the
lake to see us through the warm August weather and we are now planning for our September
– December stocking programme when we will be asking our supplier for bigger and more
fish to hopefully ensure we all still get a good season’s fishing, despite having lost the earlier
weeks of lockdown.
We are still offering day or afternoon fishing for temporary members, when bought as a batch
or 3 or 5 tickets and we have some full memberships available at a special discounted rate to
include fishing for the remainder of this year through to the end of the 2021 season.. Please
enquire for further details.
We have enjoyed some fantastic fishing at Powdermill this year and were delighted that we
were at least able to be open to enjoy most of the Mayfly season, which has been excellent.
The booking-in arrangement worked very well and with all cleaning and distancing measures
in place anglers and staff felt confident and safe. We are continuing with these measures and
have restricted visits to Club members only fishing. We are offering temporary memberships
for tickets to be used before the end of September and these have been the only day tickets
available, issued as a batch of 5 for either afternoon or day visits.
As this has been so successful, and some of the 5 visits have already been used, we are now
able to offer further batch tickets for day or evening visits. Please see details of these tickets here.
Some pics..

Click on pic above to see more!
Having successfully tried out the temporary membership scheme on a limited basis, we are
pleased to be able to offer some further vacancies. As we shall not be admitting day visitors
for the time being, we are able to safely accommodate anglers within the guidelines. See temporary membership details on the prices page.
Since re-opening, over the last few weeks, the fishing has been excellent with 700 fish being
caught, with catches of 4 and 5lb plus, mostly caught on Mayfly, which are still evident on
the water. We are planning on stocking the lake again this week so still plenty of good
fishing to be enjoyed.
With the high demand from day visitor requests, we have now considered how we can best accommodate any extra anglers, whilst maintaining our strict safety procedures, and controlling the number of new memberships we can offer.
At the present time, we are still not able to take day ticket visitors, but with immediate effect, we can offer the sale of batch tickets as follows:-
Offer available from now until the end of September 2020
5 days’ fishing with a 6 fish limit : £250.00
Afternoon ticket (2 – 8pm) 4 fish limit : £200.00
Boats : £10
Afternoon : £5
All members must prebook angling visits 2 days in advance, by telephone on 01424 870498 to speak to the Club Secretary any morning between 8.30am and 11.30 am
07831793036 OR 01424870498
8-30 AM AND 11-30 AM
Although the situation with the Coronavirus is uncertain and there are new developments every day, we want to assure all our members and visitors to Powdermill that we are doing all we can to protect you, and we are open for fishing as normal.
We are constantly disinfecting and cleaning communal areas and equipment and it would help if you could bring your own pen for your use only. Please help us as well by following the guidelines of keeping your distance from others and washing your hands often. If you would prefer not to come into the club house to sign in, there are catch information slips in the weighing room, which we will collect and enter for you. We can also take payment by bank transfer or credit card if you ring us when you are planning to fish or when you arrive at the lake, so that you do not need to come in to the Club house.
We have a further stocking arriving shortly, there are plenty of fish in the lake and the fishing and weather are improving all the time. It’s a lovely place to be out of doors, with seating outside the club house, for a view of the lake and a visit will cheer you up in these difficult times.
We are here every day and hope we shall see you soon.
March News
With the lovely sunshine we have had this week, the water is beginning to clear and at last, the fish can see the fly!
We have had some decent catches coming out of the lake with several 6 fish limits being taken on black and green flies, mostly from the bank. Everyone has benefitted from these encouraging conditions and generally feeling much happier in these strange and difficult times.
Definitely good for wellbeing to be able to get out in the fresh air and forget about the doom and gloom for a little while!
Paul Strevens had a very nice fish, which was estimated to be between 8- 10 lbs. Unfortunately, he had already used his limit on catch and release so it could not be substantiated and was returned, but witnessed by other anglers and even allowing for “it was this………………big!” it must rate as fish of the month so far!
We are open every day – come and see us!
February News
Despite the terrible February weather, anglers have managed catch 50 rainbows from
Powdermill this month.
It seems to have finally stopped raining and hopefully things can
only get better now. Spring must be in the air as the Bailiff’s resident geese have started to
nest and lay eggs, hedge greenery is starting to appear and we had a visit this morning from 5
Canada geese on the lake before they took off and went on their way again.
Further fish stocks will be going in shortly and we are also now selling flies and pre-owned tackle in the
club house reception.
Opening Week
Despite the very windy and unpredictable weather for the first week’s fishing, some keen
anglers have braved it and been rewarded with fish.
Visitor catches have included a full bag
of 6 fish and another of 4 fish with a nice rainbow of 2lb 14.
The recent stocking of the lake
have included fish of 6-8lb. None have come out yet so they will still be there waiting for
you, hopefully when the weather improves.
2020 Season
Fishing starts on Monday 17th February and we have started the stocking schedule with bigger and larger quantities of fish ready to start.
We are offering better fishing and facilities this year and hope everyone will have a good season.
Bacon rolls will be available in the club house for opening day and we hope to see all old and new acquaintances for the new season.
News Flash
Jim Adams - Funeral arrangements
I am sure that many members and friends would like to pay their last respects to Jim.
His funeral has been arranged for 11.00am on Wednesday 22nd January at Hastings Crematorium.
December 29, 2019
Very sadly long time member Jim Adams passed away peacefully in his sleep early Sunday morning.
He was aged 87 ( b 25/8/1932 ) and grew up as a member of a trawling family in the Ramsgate area. He joined the RAF and had a successful career as a fighter pilot. In later years after leaving the RAF he was a commercial pilot and also a pilot instructor for Dan Air.
Jim loved country pursuits and was an excellent fly fisher and a very keen shot.
RIP Jim.
Jim Adams
1932 - 2019 |
Fishing news – w/c 9 December
We knew they were in there somewhere!!
One of our visitors took a 6lb rainbow from the lake last weekend. Unfortunately, he did not
leave us any information as to the catch so we are unable to share this with you, but it goes to
show perseverance will get the results!! The Directors have been negotiating with our fish
suppliers to plan next season’s stocking prices and delivery schedule and, as promised, these
will include some bigger fish and an increase in stocks.
One of our members, Phil Streeter, has finished off a brilliant season by not only achieving
his total catch for the year, but landed a beautiful rainbow of 5lb 9oz on Tuesday to make up
his final total. Well done Phil!
This is the second larger fish to come out of the lake this week and it seems that a couple of
beautiful frosty mornings have continued to lower the temperature at Powdermill and they
have started to feed, and, following the previous spell of non-stop rain, we have a good level
of water again.
With all that in mind and the Club house renovations almost complete, Powdermill looks like
the place to be next year!! See you there.
Fishing news – w/c 28th October
Although the fishing is still quite challenging at Powdermill, following the recent stocking of larger fish, some good catches have been made.
During the past week fish of 4.5lb and 5lb have been caught on sedge pupa as well as fish of 2lb and 3lb, all good size and in excellent condition.
They are there, and now that the water is filling up after the rain and the temperature is going down, they are getting hungry and ready to take the fly.
In between heavy showers today, the lake looked beautiful under a strong rainbow with the leaves now turning colour and showing as reflections in the water – a lovely spot to spend a few hours with still some good fishing to be had!
October 16
Now that the water temperature has dropped we are restocking, including some 4 - 8 lb fish
Summer July and August Newsletter
Traditionally a slow time for fishing with many fisheries closed but Powdermill stayed open with reduced catches but with some happy anglers in the warm weather.
The catch book lists many flies that were used to tempt the trout who were staying deep due to the high water temperature and strong sunlight. However there were several anglers who were catching on a regular basis and member Keith Blundell lead the way with a 3.00 lb rainbow caught on 16 July using a cormorant. This was not using the Vietnamese boat method and was a proper fly not the bird. He is our July Fisherman of the Month.
August continued in the same manner with high water temperature and lowering water the fish were going deep. Water was now being drawn off for the residents in Hastings which required the boats to be moved to the far end of the reservoir. Again there is an interesting list of flies being used with a variety of coloured blobs and lures with the occasional snake. The aerator was active and proved to be a must visit area for the boat anglers.
Member Brian Braun landed a 2.8 lb rainbow on a Daddy and is the August Fisherman of the Month for this and for a catch of six as well.
June Newsletter
The Mayfly season continued with consistent catches throughout the month from both bank and boat anglers. Trout were mainly around 2lb with the occasional 3lb being landed by members J.Walters and C.Frigg early in the month.
The heaviest fish of the month was a 4.8lb trout caught on a mayfly nymph by member J .Russell who is our nominated Fisherman of the Month.
Later in June many course fish mainly Perch with the occasional Rudd were caught by boat on a variety of flies.
The club fishing competition on 21 June was well attended with competing members working especially hard. B. McCarter landing four fish at 7.3lb all on buzzers and this years’ winner M.Redman five at 10.2lb. The Bailiff advised that all competitors really had to use all their local knowledge changing flies frequently to catch the wary trout.
A BBQ featured at the end of the day where competitors, club members and family and friends were able to relax and enjoy the cooking. (See pictures below)
The aerator has not been operating recently and the surface temperature of the water is not detrimentally affecting the fishing so early July looks promising for all anglers at Powdermill.

Click on pic above to see lots more!
May Newsletter
After a slow start to the month with variable weather the Mayfly arrived with large hatches throughout the day.
Members immediately started catching maximum limit fishing from the bank and then as the days got warmer taking to the boats with impressive catches.
Member Chris Johns landed a 3.0lb fish on 9 May using a Mayfly nymph and the following day a visitor G Bowen caught a 4.15lb Rainbow on a dry Mayfly.
Visitors were now returning to Powdermill in large numbers and fishing from the boats with great success with 15 and 16 May having catches of a 5.0 fish by D. Crouch as the heaviest fish of the month and club members John Noble with a 3.7lb and B.McCarter with a 3.8lb caught on a Hopper which nominated him as our member Fisherman of the Month.
There have been several more fish in excess of 3.0lb but there are many larger fish still to be lured to the plentiful Mayfly hatches.
The numbers of fish caught this year is slightly more by 8% than May last year with all fishermen being more successful. Perhaps the warmer weather has helped and the long period without rain.
It will be interesting to see how long that Mayfly will remain the preferred fly and when the fish will be attracted to other flies.
A reminder for club members that the members annual competition followed by a barbeque will be held on Friday 21 June. If you wish to compete or attend the BBQ please advise the Bailff Vic Partridge as soon as possible.
April Newsletter
A strong month for fishing at Powdermill with many maximum catches by
members and visitors using the boats or fishing from the banks.
Our Bailiff has put a great deal of effort into tidying the bank areas and they
are now accessible to most anglers who enjoy the short walk and the
temptation to catch the big one.
Stocking continued throughout the month and the fish are proving to be hard
fighting and choosy about their choice of fly.
Early Mayflies flies are becoming popular with Montana or Brown Fritz
continuing to be attractive. A scan of the catch book shows many different flies
being used including some nymphs.
However the two largest fish caught in April both by members were a 3.0lb
Rainbow caught by M. Coleman on a Hares Ear on 30 April and a 3.1lb caught
by R. Stone caught earlier on 13 April using a Black Taddie so he is nominated
as Fisherman of the Month.
The annual competition between EFDG and HFFC took place earlier in the
month and finished in favour of EFDG whose team took better advantage of
the weather conditions to fish the deeper parts. HFFC Member Dick Telford
was the best bank fisherman.
March Newsletter
The new season continues extremely well with a 30% increase in fish caught compared to the same month the previous year and with a similar number of anglers. Both boat and bank being very successful. One consistent and most effective fly used by many anglers was a Damsel in various colours fished on an intermediate line just below the surface. The Montana was also popular and sometime a team of nymphs.
However one member using a Brown Fritz caught a 4.4 lb rainbow on 7 March from a boat so John Thackray is our Fisherman of the Month.
The number of visitors also increased in March with Greg Ellis catching a 5.4 lb fish using an orange bodied gold head Damsel again from a boat.
The clubhouse has now been installed with new windows so is fully waterproof and draught proof.
The weather is improving and slowly getting warmer so April could be a great month at Powdermill with the arrival of some more fish stock. So book a boat early to explore the Powdermill fishing areas that cannot be reached by bank fishing.
February Newsletter
A most enthusiastic start to the new season with a week of dry sunny weather and a very good turnout of both members and visitors who all enjoyed catching the new season’s rainbow trout.
Fishing was lively both from the bank and boat using a variety of flies with Damsel or Montana proving very popular choice with the anglers. The water was still very cold so most fish were caught fairly deep.
Visitors to Powdermill had early success with fish at 3.13lb and one at 4.8lb and several at 2.0lb.
The members were very active too with Phil Streeter showing early form with a 4.6lb fish caught on a Greenfritz on 24 February and Peter Ralplh with a 3.14lb caught the following day on a Montana.
However they were both upstaged by member C. Johns who landed a 5.8lb fish on a Damsel on 20 February. He is nominated as our Fisherman of the month.
The monthly fishing statistics web page has now been modified to show in addition to the total number of fish caught the number caught from the bank and from a boat.
This came as a suggestion from a member who has not yet offered to collate the numbers from the catch log but maybe he will bring cake to the clubhouse!
NEWS FLASH: Opening Day
Mid February and we could not have imagined that the weather would be so mild and pleasant.
There was a good turnout of anglers today on our opening day and most caught fish.
It looks like the fine weather is to continue for a while so why not come and pay us a visit.
There are a few memberships left for the season and it is always best to join early.
click on the picture for more images
NEWS FLASH: 12th Feb 2019
Today we received our first delivery of Rainbows, 600 lovely fish from Bibury in the Cotswolds. Our bailiff Vic Partridge is seen supervising the unloading.
The reservoir is now full just in time for our opening day this Friday 15th February.
All indications are that this milder dry weather will still be with us at the end of the week so with a southerly wind forecast why not come down and give it a try.
click on the picture for more images
Stocking is taking place now.
Looking forward to seeing you at the season start: 15th February 2019
December Newsletter
The season finished with a burst of activity on 27 December with six members closing their season’s activity with a morning “fish off” informal competition at Powdermill. The fish certainly had not been advised of this event as they all went into hiding and not one was caught.
So it was left to one intrepid member angler to catch three fish, over the next consecutive days, two on day one and a single on day two. He fished from a boat along the west arm using a white and green Cats Whisker and the photographic evidence is attached.
So member Gary Dyer closed the season with three trout the largest at 1lb.6oz, the only fish caught in December and is named the Fisherman of the Month.
News Flash : 12th December
A members end of season “last fling” competition is taking place on Thursday 27th December 9.00am - 12.00. If you would like to take part and have not already done so please let Vic know.
November Newsletter
A very quiet month at Powdermill due to low water in the reservoir and mixed weather making fishing very difficult. Fishing from the bank was virtually impossible due to the water level and the dam was slippery. Taking a boat out required a major effort to leave the dock.
The promised rain was very sporadic and it was not until the end of the month that water was being pumped in which started to raise the level but it was very cloudy and still has not started to clear.
Not surprisingly the number of anglers was low as was the number of fish caught. However a special Fisherman of the Month award goes to Mark Redman who caught three trout in one session on a Diawl Bach. Fellow member John Noble caught the heaviest fish of 1lb 12 oz using a Buzzer.
There are only a few weeks until the end of the season which closes on 31 December so if you are inclined to wet a line before then we would recommend you to be extremely careful walking on the side of the dam to the water as it really is very slippery and we do not want any accidents. If in doubt check with the Bailiff or a club member.
We wish all Members a very merry Christmas.
October Newsletter
The air temperature dropped quite considerably and the water temperature followed however the little rain we experienced did not prevent the water level falling to 51% of capacity.
This made fishing difficult but rainbow trout were now being caught but not in large numbers. Montana and Daddies were the favoured flies but several club members were firmly keeping to nymphs and catching some hungry fish.
Terry Beeching caught a 1lb 11oz fish on a PTN and our Fisherman of the month P. Wild a 1lb 12 oz. on a Cats Whisker.
Visitors returned to Powdermill and even used a boat to search for the elusive large trout. The largest caught was a 2lb 0oz fish caught by E.Stacey on a Blue Flash Damsel. Two other visitors each caught a 1lb 14oz trout on a Buzzer and Hares Ear.
Course fish were not so evident this month with only the occasional perch being landed.
It is unlikely that there will be any further restocking this season but there are still plenty of fish in Powdermill as very few of the September restocking have been caught.
Let us hope that the rain soon returns to this part of East Sussex to give us all some active Autumnal fishing.
September Newsletter
The hot weather continued and the water level dropped further perhaps due to greater usage by the south coast inhabitants.
Fishing was limited to Rudd and Perch in limited numbers and the only trout caught was a 1 pound 5oz by a visitor on 30 September.
The whole summer activity is well summed up by this reprint taken from Trout Fisherman magazine courtesy of the Editor Russell Hill.
“Autumn is most welcome this year. The hottest summer since the late 1970s left many waters struggling with high temperatures, excessive weed and fewer anglers visiting- some venues even had to shut. We cannot stress enough that we should support our local waters now that the cooler weather is upon us. Their very future could well depend on it. The good news is that fish will be active now… and hungry, so let’s all enjoy the terrific sport on offer during late season”
The attached photograph shows Paul Strevens and Bob Sanger fishing from the bank as described on the October newsflash.
Newsflash 6th October
During the last week stocking has taken place and I am pleased to announce that the first positive entries are appearing in the catch book since 17th July.
This morning I spotted Bob Sanger fishing into a cool north wind on the dam and he had had 2 takes and one rainbow in his hour of fishing.
The favourable weather forecast for next week might give us the chance of a little sport before the onset of winter.
July & August newsletter
The hottest summer in England certainly affected fishing at Powdermill with the fish not feeding due to the extremely high water temperature. The aerator moved the water around but did not assist in reducing the overall temperature.
However, members were certainly active in July and persistent in searching out the elusive trout by fishing from a boat or on the bank. Several fish were caught just under two pounds with our Fisherman of the month Phil Streeter landing a rainbow of 2lb 4 oz on a Shipmans.
In August the temperature got even higher and the water level dropped to 67% of capacity with water temperature in the low 20’s. It seemed that the only thing moving at Powdermill were the Ducks as the trout were not rising and still not feeding. Course fish were evident with six perch and few rudd caught with one member reporting in the catch book that he was only there for “casting practice”. So there is no Fisherman of the month for August.
The short term weather forecast suggests some lower air temperatures with very little rain but there are a lot of fry on the surface which may now stimulate some activity by the now hungry trout.
Sizzling Club BBQ 2018
Some great photos of the recent club BBQ
click on the picture for more images
June Newsletter
The Mayfly season carried right through to the end of the month with some good catches during the last week.
The fish were becoming selective over the size of fly they were taking and anglers were now using smaller flies or resorting to Shipman’s or other buzzers as takes were just below the surface.
Boat fishing was consistent throughout the month with good catches especially around the Aerator as the water temperature tended to be cooler there than around the reservoir fringes.
The hot weather has made fishing very challenging but many visitors have persevered and caught some very active fish around 2.0 pounds.
Two HFFC members each caught a 3.0 pound fish, A.Clark and W.Lewis and so both are jointly nominated as Fisherman of the Month. However both Derek Coles and Terry Beeching twice caught their six fish maximum so this will be taken into account for future monthly nomination.
We would again remind all boat anglers that we recommend that a buoyancy aid is worn and that they are available in the clubhouse after signing in and there is no charge to use them.
The boat jetty has been recently lengthened so that boats can now depart in deeper water as the reservoir level drops during the summer hot days. Currently the level is at 94% of capacity so bank fishing has not been affected.
May Newsletter
After a slow start to the Mayfly hatching due to strong northerly winds and low air temperature they finally arrived and “Duffers Fortnight “ started with some impressive fishing and very happy anglers with maximum catches.
Bank fishing from the dam was popular when the winds were from the south and visitors were active in the boats using mayfly dry flies and nymphs with two four pound fish caught and landed. Their success showed in a 32% increase in fish caught by visitors over May 2017. The month was so popular that overall total anglers caught 26% more fish during the month than in 2017.
HFFC members were very active with P.Robbins catching a 3lb8oz fish and a 3lb10oz fish and D.Bates also a 3lb 10oz fish however this was surpassed by Mick Wood who caught a 3lb 15oz rainbow on a mayfly and is nominated as the HFFC Fisherman of the Month for May.
There was a regrettable omission in the April Newsletter as no Fisherman of the Month was shown. In fact it was very much a family affair as Mark Nicholls with a 4lb 4oz Rainbow caught on a Damsel and David Nichols with a 4lb 2oz caught on a Mayfly on the same day are jointly nominated as worthy Fishermen of the Month for April.
There has been a considerable increase in boats being hired at Powdermill and it is important that attention is brought to all anglers of the safety notice in the clubhouse and the safety advice on the HFFC website recommending that lifejackets or buoyancy aids are worn when fishing from a boat. The waters can be very cold even if the air temperature is high and safety is very important for all anglers.
To end on good news, there are still mayfly hatches occurring at Powdermill and the fish are still hungry so book a boat, wear a buoyancy aid and enjoy some great fishing.
News Flash! - 18th May 1018
The mayfly hatch is building up momentum and there is great sport to be had. Powdermill is fully stocked with hard fighting rainbows and a visit is highly recommended.
News Flash! - 17th May 1018
Longtime member Jim Adams ventured out in the wheelie boat and is pictured playing a 2.00lb rainbow. He wished to be remembered to all members and friends.
click on the picture for more images
News Flash! - 8th May 2018
April Newsletter
Stocking continued throughout the month with fish from two suppliers. All are hard fighting fish with some larger fish among them to tempt all anglers.
The weather again affected fishing with seriously strong winds that affected bank fishers as it was blowing onto the dam making casting very tricky. We had some very warm days and a few cold days then an absolute downpour throughout the day at the end of the month. However, this did not put off anglers and many regulars were soon catching their six fish limit. Overall total anglers were down on last year but two whole days were lost due to adverse weather and visitors using boats were limited due to the strong winds blowing across Powdermill.
A visitor Mr A. Silkin fished from the dam and caught 5lb5oz Rainbow on a Damsel and another visitor Mr G. Bush (not from Texas) landed a 4lb2oz fish so they were not put off by the weather pundits.
HFFC members were active and eight caught fish over 3lbs with two just over 4 lbs, D. Nichols 4lb2oz on a Buzzer and M. Nichols at 4lb4oz using a Damsel.
Some more fish were restocked at the end of the month and the weather started to really warm up with some fly hatches. Fish were taking emergers and occasionally a fly from the top but so far there are no active signs of early Mayflies.
You may have noticed some tree felling behind the Bailiffs house and rumours are that he is preparing to have a vegetable garden to supply him and the rabbit population with some tasty morsels or that he is a long term weather forecaster and is ensuring that the club house is supplied with plenty of logs for the autumn.
Anyway who would be a Bailiff and have to bail out the boats after that all day torrential rain storm.
To end on good news… The Mayfly are coming soon so book a boat.
March Newsletter
A very strange start to this season with snow on opening day followed by icy temperatures and high winds. This encouraged the fish to stay deep and temporarily stop feeding. However a rise in temperature and a drop in wind strength encouraged members to venture out and catch some of the new trout stock. The earlier news flashes showed some interesting photographs of activity at Powdermill and reported on some of the results.
There were many notable catches with some members taking their six fish catch allowance.
The outstanding fish was taken by member Derek Coles fishing from a boat who landed an 8Lb 13 oz Rainbow on a Cats Whisker.
Two members then caught 4Lb fish, John Walters and Bernie Meeden, with eleven other catching fish of just over 3 Lbs and a visitor with one at 3lb 10oz .
As it was still cold and the water temperature was low fish were caught on Diawl Bach , Damsel or Buzzers.
Overall the number of fish caught was lower than March 2017, but the number of anglers was also lower due to the adverse weather especially for the first week of the month.
The good news is that the weather is getting warming and the fish are rising and there are signs of early fly hatches. So now is the time to make a reservation for a boat and search for other large fish that are getting hungry.
Our Fisherman of the month award goes to Derek Cole for his early season catch.
News Flash! - 26th March 2018
Despite the periods of inclement weather during the month Powdermill is fishing really well this year. Rod averages are around 4 per angler and fish of over 8lb have been caught.
With just over a fortnight to go until our annual match with Sussex Fly Tying Guild the reservoir is looking in fine fettle and a visit is highly recommended.
News Flash! - 14th March 2018
New member Mike Lambert with his first ever Rainbow this afternoon which weighed in at 1lb 8oz.
Well done Mike and welcome to Hastings Fly Fishing Club.
Fishing has been very good this week. On Monday member Derek Coles caught an 8lb 13oz Rainbow from a boat and on Tuesday 70 fish were taken with several anglers having bags of 4 - 6 fish the majority being from the dam.
News Flash! - 1st March 2018
This was the reservoir on the first day of the season. A very bleak set of pics and in fact the first time in at least 20 years that fishing was not possible on the first day.
Our bailiff Vic Partridge was lonely figure this morning when under normal circumstances there would be a good turnout for 1st March.
Let’s hope we can get started next week!
click on the picture for more images
It’s now only a few more days until the opening of the 2018 season on Thursday March 1.
There is now plenty of water at Powdermill and Southern Water shows the level at the reservoir at 100% full.
Fish have already been delivered and six hundred arrived last week with several larger trout among them. There will be another delivery next week from a different supplier who always provides some hard fighting “specials”.
The boats have all been refurbished and the jetties have been renovated.
The bank cut-outs have been attended to and the brush cleared to provide anglers with improved casting areas.
There is plenty of wildlife activity at the reservoir and spring flowers and foliage will shortly be seen.
The wood burning stove in the clubhouse is in good use with facilities for hot drinks available.
So plan on fishing on opening day and call the Bailiff to book a boat.
A reminder to all shareholders that our AGM is on Sunday 4 March at Three Oaks Village Hall commencing at 1000 so put that in your diary as well and come and tell us that you were the angler that caught the first fish of the season!
click on the picture for more images
December Newsletter
The fishing results for November showed that the fish are still very elusive in spite of falling water temperature and some rain they are not being tempted to take dry flies.
Our Bailiff insists that there are still plenty of trout in the reservoir but for some unknown reason they are not willing to currently feed on our flies. He has researched some other fisheries in the southeast and they are experiencing the same difficulties in catching.
However our members and visitors have had some success as some small trout averaging around one and a half pounds were caught as was a solitary brown trout which was of course returned to the water. All were caught on nymphs.
There was one larger fish caught by John Noble of two pounds four ounces on a Diawl Bach and so he is nominated as our Fisherman of the month.
The working party for 23 November had to be postponed due to bad weather and was reconvened the following week on 28 November when we experienced a sunny day. The cut outs and bank areas were trimmed with all dangerous branches removed as well as the scrub over the ground.
The result is cut outs back to original size at the water with no branches behind to catch your back cast and a wider angle at the water to cast from into deep water.
Thanks go to Tim Stacey and his team of Derek Cole, Dick Telford, John Varley and Vic Partridge for their efforts. Also thanks to Don Burt and Paul Strevens who made up their own working party!
The Directors and Secretary would also like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Very Happy Christmas and New Year and look forward to seeing you at the lake for another great fishing year in 2018!
click on the picture for more images
November Newsletter
The colder weather at the beginning of the month certainly encouraged some promising fishing activity but the lack of sunny days reduced the number of fly hatches. As well as a distinct lack of Daddies to attract the trout anglers were using nymphs and buzzers with some success.
Several fish over two pounds were landed by Peter Ralph, John Noble and D Russell with the heaviest caught by Paul Strevens at 2lb 5oz on a buzzer who is the nominated October Fisherman of the Month.
We had a delivery of fish during the first week of the month and very few have been caught so far, so we hope for a few sunny days to stimulate a hatch and for the fish to resume their feeding. Vic Partridge is adamant that there are plenty of fish in Powdermill waiting to be caught but it will be challenging to search them out and tempt them to take your fly.
Boats are readily available for you to explore the water and try some exotic wet fly in the depths and perhaps hook a new heaviest fish of the year currently standing at 5lb 9oz caught in May .
There will be a work party on Thursday 23 November to tidy the cut-outs and reduce the growth of encroaching trees. This will reduce the chances of back casts catching in them. All you need to bring is a lopper and pruning saw and perhaps cake for when we have finished and adjourn to the clubhouse.
We plan to start at 0930 so if you can help please liaise with Tim Stacey on 01424 439633.
Powdermill Lodge is now occupied by the Bailiff and we wish him well in his new home. |
October Newsletter
Good news, the air and water temperature at Powdermill continues to fall resulting in some new fishing activity.
The last week in September saw rainbow caught from the bank by club members using nymphs with some multiple catches. P Jenkins and J Noble caught five fish between them all just under two pounds on Diawl Bach and Damsel.
Our Fisherman of the month for September is John Noble with his catch of three fish the largest at 1lb 10 oz.
Flies are now proving attractive to the fish with Daddies and Hoppers. Vic Partridge had success with a Hopper earlier this week.
The advance weather forecast continues to show a lowering of the air temperature with some more rain forecast. This will continue to stir the fish to come up to the surface for feeding.
Restocking will now resume and the first of our postponed deliveries will arrive this week with more planned for this month.
As a member told me yesterday we should have an entertaining winter season.
So let us all get down to Powdermill this month to take advantage of the good fishing weather and book a boat to explore and find those rainbow trout.
OBITUARY: Edward (Ted) Stevenson
The Directors and members are very sorry to learn of the death of one of our longest serving members, Edward (Ted) Stevenson, on 12th September 2017.
Although Ted had resigned from the Club 3 years ago, due to his continuing ill health, he had still been able to visit the lake and Club House, on occasion, up to about a year ago.
During the time Ted had been a club member he had contributed a great deal of his time and enthusiasm in helping to run the Club. He was a Director for many years and, when he was in good health, he was always the first to organise and help with annual bank clearing and other manual work. He will also be remembered by many for his interest and pursuit of snakes around the lake and could often be seen over on the far bank, with his long forked stick, having discovered a snake asleep in the sun.
Ted’s wife Bet was also a Club member for many years and they could often be seen together fishing in friendly rivalry. After her death some years ago, Ted donated a seat to the club in her name and when he was still able to get along the dam, he loved to sit there reminiscing.
He was a kind and generous man and it is sad to know we shall not see him up at the lake again, but he had many enjoyable years at the Club, and made many friends, and made a generous contribution with his time.
We send our condolences to his daughter Jane and family.
Fishing all set to improve!
Due to the water temperature at Powdermill ( currently 22 degrees ) the fishing has unfortunately been poor!
In fact it looks like the fish of the month for August will go to the ONLY fish caught in the month ( by a rather embarrassed John Noble ). Vic reckons the temperature needs to go down to around 17 degrees before things improve.
The good news is that we have a number of stockings owed to us by our suppliers that we have been able to defer until September and October when hopefully we should see some sport.
This happened last year and a lot of fish were caught in October, November and early December. I fact I recall Bob Sanger catching a 5lb rainbow from the dam in the late autumn.
Lets hope we can finish the season on a high note! Watch this space!
August newsletter
May, June, July and into early August there were Mayflies still hatching with Vic’s special fly proving deadly as ever. Catching activity dropped off with the increased air and water temperature and the lower water level.
The exotically named flies did not appear to tempt the trout in July but Damsels and Hoppers and Diawl Bach were evident and a few anglers caught their maximum. The largest fish was a 3lb 1 oz. Rainbow caught on a Hares ear by a visitor to Powdermill. He or she cannot be identified as their name was illegible in the catch book.
However prime contenders for the members’ Fisherman of the month nomination with maximum catches were Don Burt, Vic Partridge and R Medding.
But special mention must go to Dick Telford who put down his camera and in a special effort to catch a single rainbow managed to hook 16 Rudd. Looking through the catch book for 2017 this momentous event appears to be possibly the highest number of fish ever caught at Powdermill at one time by a single angler! This leaves him with the unenviable task of beating 17 by the end of this season.
So the Fisherman of the month for July is shared between R. Medding with a 2lb 9oz Rainbow caught on a Damsel and Dick Telford who is keeping his fly a secret.
Finally the Bailiff’s new house has been completed with the exterior all painted and with the new terrace. The attached photo shows the latest but the interior curtains may be changed!
Annual Members Competition
New pics from the Club Annual Members competition and BBQ ...
click on the picture for more images
July Newsletter
The Mayflies were still very evident throughout the month of June and there were good hatches during the warm days and especially in the evenings. The winds were variable so there were some good catches from the banks and all boat fishers had success.
But many fish were also being caught using Buzzers and Nymphs tied on small hooks on long leaders. This variation in diet for the trout was used by several anglers from the dam on pegs close to the club house.
Many visiting anglers continued to take out a boat so they explored all the water. At the beginning of the month they had good catches as the mayflies were the preferred fly.
There were few large fish caught but Keith Blundell landed a Rainbow of 3lb 4oz and there were a few anglers who caught their maximum with fish around 2lb. But our Fisherman of the month nomination goes again to Terry Beeching who using a Mayfly (was it the Bailiff’s design?) caught a 3lb 12oz rainbow. This is his second nomination and he still does not get a silver cup so we will wait and see at the end of the season what his reward may be.
The Club annual members competition was a well-attended event with 22 fish caught and congratulations to the winning member Derek Coles. The competition was followed by a BBQ with over 60 members and family and friends attending. Thank you to everyone who made the day so enjoyable.
As reported earlier the Bailiff’s new house was erected and the utilities have now been connected. The terrace has been added with a beautiful view of the reservoir, a great place for an evening G & T.
The club was approached by Matt Lingard who is starting up a business of video advertising for companies so we are lucky enough to have a wonderful video of “Powdermill Hastings Flyfishers” to be produced and it is now available on the home page of the HFFC website. Starring members John Walters, Bob Sanger as the Anglers and Vic Partridge as The Bailiff and featuring the current resident Hobby catching a mayfly; with some great photography of the flora and fauna and historical details of the reservoir. We hope you all enjoy it.
Building works contine at a pace
The building work and construction of the two new buildings is now continuing at a fast pace with the arrival of a cottage for the Bailiff Vic Partridge.
Described in estate agent terms as a two bedroomed wooden cabin with fitted kitchen, full bathroom and lounge with outside terrace and private parking. Situated in a secluded wooded area with stunning views of the reservoir with its unrivalled wildlife and hard fighting trout. Also home to the famous wooden reindeer shown in the photograph. The building is now being connected to the main utilities and the exterior wood is being prepared for painting and the terrace will then be attached.
The ground work for the second similar cottage for visitors has been completed and will be delivered very shortly.
click on the picture for more images
Kent v Sussex Competition
pics from the day
click on the picture for more images
Newsflash 20th June
The latest issue of Trout Fisherman magazine 21 June-18 July has a ”Where to fish around the UK” article and features a half page and photographs of Powdermill reservoir trout lake and the fabulous Mayfly hatch.
A very positive article and a great picture of an unnamed very well dressed angler in boat number one with an electric drive about to land his catch.
But who is this angler ? Is he a member or a visitor? If anyone knows him please let us know.
Newsflash 7th June
Click on the picture for more images
Martyn Brignall was fishing last Friday at the annual Hobbs Parker day and his wife Susan was there with her trusty camera to record the event.
This coincided with the start of work on the foundations for the new lodges.
June Newsletter
Click on the picture for more images
The Mayfly season arrived with some great catches and some difficult weather. On 26 April we had snow at Powdermills but our Bailiff Vic Partridge with Don Burt were already out boat fishing with Mayfly, caught their maximum and returned apparently looking like two cold snow covered abominable snowmen.
However it was a visitor Mr R Denney who caught a 5lb 9oz Rainbow on 4 May using a Mayfly and he can be seen with his fish on a previous latest news page.
For the rest of us we were spared the snow yet had to share the strong North East winds which made fishing from the dam awkward and boat handling tiring if you had to row. Yet in-spite of the changing conditions over 1300 fish were caught. Nearly all with Vic’s special pattern Mayfly, a slightly different size and colour from previous years but Damsel and Buzzers were used during the bright sun days when fish were not taking off the top.
So May has been a good month for fishing and the numbers of visitors is increasing with 225 in May with many using the boats. For some it was the first time they had been to or heard of Powdermills so let’s keep up the momentum to increase their numbers.
The fishing statistics page has now been updated so you can see the latest details of catches and visitors and largest fish and fly details. There will be some further changes to the website in June that were discussed at the AGM in March.
There was keen competition for the Fisherman of the month with special mention of two members for their strange sounding exotic fly, Phil Streeter for using a Baby Doll and John Thackray for an outrageous Orange Fritz. Will these make the fly of the year pages?
But for using “conventional” flies and for two good size catches of 3lb 9oz and 2 lb 10oz the May nomination for Fisherman of the month goes to Mick Wood.
Work has commenced on construction of the site of the new three lodges adjacent to the club house. Some trees have been felled and ground work was very much in evidence this week. More photographs will appear as work progresses.
Newsflash : 25th April
Click on the picture for more images
Last Friday we were hit by small incredibly heavy torrential showers. Did this have any effect on the hardy souls already out on the water? Not at all - they were all having an incredible time catching our hard fighting rainbows!
The anglers are not the only ones benefiting from the mayfly hatch. It has been possible to see up to eight Hobbys at a time picking up the mayfly in their claws whilst in flight and transferring them to their beaks. These dashing little members of the falcon family are always a joy to see at this time of the year.
Dick Telford kindly sent in some of his excellent photographs. He also remarked on how well his new Snowbee waterproofs coped with the deluge.
May Newsletter
(Apologies for delay John Varley sent it to Chris and he only just remembered to post it up!)
The good start to the season continued in April with many six fish limits being attained by both club members and particularly by visitors.
There were no monster fish caught with most fish at just over 2 lbs 2 oz. but all were hard fighting and very selective what they were caught on. Nymphs and buzzers were again the popular choice of flies for most fishermen with dry flies in evidence at the end of the month.
There were good catches from the dam as the winds were more often favourable and not from the north or north east blowing into your face.
Boats were being used by our visitors who were all catching their limit. This is a reminder to book a boat in advance of your visit as with the Mayfly season now starting they will be at a premium.
The last piece of the boat dock is still afloat and attached to the dock so the expense and time of the work party was well spent. There are some extra photos in the club house of the antics of the work party which will not be seen on the website.
There were several members who were considered for this month’s Fisherman of the month recognition award with six of them all catching their limit on more than one occasion but one person showed more consistency on each of his visits and that is Don Burt who is the April award nominee.
Le Picnique: 9th May
Every year we have a visit from a delightful party of anglers from Northern France once the mayfly hatch starts.
They fish in the morning but by 1.00pm they are all back on dry land setting up "le picnique" which is a ritual taken very seriously. They are always very hospitable to passing anglers with their copious supply of wines and aperitifs.
They had a great time and by late afternoon they had all appeared to have bagged up despite some boat control issues occasioned partly by the vicious north east wind.
When I arrived yesterday afternoon I was fortunate to take the last boat on the jetty so I would strongly recommend any intending to visit to phone our bailiff Vic Partridge on 01424 870498 ( best between 9.30 - 10.30am ) to reserve a boat

Comments from a happy visitor : 7th May
I thought you would like to see the stunning fish I caught on Thursday which turned out to be a new PB. I can't thank the club enough for an enjoyable day and for allowing guests to fish your fabulous water. My Father and I had a tremendous day. What Vic and the club do to keep the fishery in the wonderful condition it is is remarkable: The quality of fish stocked are superb and I very much look forward to returning again soon.

Newsflash : 5th May
The mayfly have been hatching in increasing numbers all week despite the chilly north wind. A glance at the catch book shows numerous bags of 6 fish have been taken on dry fly. Only yesterday a visitor landed a beauty of 5lb 9oz on a dry.
Just over a week ago we had a freak winter sleet/snow storm lasting just a few minutes. To everyones amusement who should be out in a boat but our bailiff Vic Partridge and member Don Burt who was desperately trying to catch the last of his six fish. According to reports they looked like a pair of snowmen ( abominable? ) when the storm cleared.
Newsflash : 25th April
Click on the picture for more images
The reservoir continues to fish well and some good bags are being taken. Latest stockings have produced some very hard fighting Rainbows so there is plenty of good sport to be had.
Over the last few days anglers have begun to notice mayfly emerging and it is rumoured that Dick Telford has already caught on a dry mayfly. This trickle should soon increase to our usual level of mayfly hatch so if you are looking for some action packed dry fly fishing get down to Powdermill.
The spring colours are a sight to behold at the moment and while her husband Martyn was fishing on Sunday Sue Brignall took these lovely pictures.
Pictures from our recent Sussex Flydressers Competition
Click on the picture for more images
NEWSFLASH 8th April 2017
Our annual competition against Sussex Flydressers took place on Saturday. This was a very close run affair with nearly 100 fish caught only 13.5 ounces separated the teams with Hastings Fly Fishers the victors with a total weight of 85lb 10oz compared with Flydressers 84lb 12.5oz.
The match took place on a perfect spring day and was followed by an excellent BBQ.
Largest individual bags were as follows;
Mr Watson 11lb 5oz
Mr Walters 11lb 2oz
Mr Croucher 10lb 12oz
Best fish Mr Russell 2lb 7.5oz
Best fish boat Mr Wood 2lb 2oz
Best fish bank Mr Strevens 2lb 1oz
Best bag boat Mr Black
and best bag bank Mr Payne
A good start to the season with high water at Powdermills and well stocked with some great fish to catch. The water was remarkably clear and the weather was favourable.
On the third day a 5lb 1oz Rainbow was caught and the following days saw several fish over 4lbs and many anglers taking their six fish limit. Boat fishing was popular and fishing from the dam was bringing good results. The fish were caught mainly on a variety of buzzers and also damsel flies.
At present the water is very clear and the winds are favouring fishing from the dam. If you want to fish from a boat weekends are popular so do not forget to book in advance.
The word has gone out that we are going to have a good season and the numbers of visitors is most encouraging with many of them taking boats and catching their limit. See previous latest news photographs to confirm the catches.
On Monday we had a working party of seven members who repaired and re-floated the last piece of the boat dock which had become partly submerged. New floats had been purchased that are watertight so will not sink. Unfortunately none of the members had brought any sparkling wine for the launching and renaming ceremony so we ate Lemon drizzle cake and drank coffee instead. All very PC and in accordance with health and safety! Watch out for some photos of your fellow members in marine engineering action.
We plan on a monthly newsletter this year to highlight events at HFFC and encourage you to send in photographs of fishing action. We are also going to select a Fisherman or Fisher lady of the month from our members for a special accomplishment during the previous month.
So for March the award goes to Terry Beeching for the 5lb 1oz rainbow trout caught on 3rd March using a bloodworm. Sorry, no silver cup for this and to prove that size does not matter we will look at other fishing activities for this award.
Newsflash 6th April 2017
A few days ago Vic the bailiff was in his house when he noticed a van ( which he didn't recognise ) drive past and park in the car park. It was only just light and thus far earlier than most of us commence fishing.
He went up to the lodge and could see someone tackling up on the dam. After completing his normal morning routine ( getting the log burner going for our members ) he noticed that the van driver had not completed the book or ( most importantly ) paid.
Vic strolled along the dam to confront the person and was amazed to see him reading the paper with 3 rods out all equipped with electronic bite alarms. He also noticed a spinning rod assembled for action with a huge plug attached.
After a friendly exchange of good mornings Vic asked him what he was fishing for.
Angler: "Pike"
Vic: "Sorry to spoil your day but there are no pike in this water"
Angler: "There must be. I've been told that there is a good head of pike here".
Vic: "Who told you that?".
Angler: "Members of my club Cranbrook AC".
Vic: "Then you've most definitely been misinformed. There are no pike here".
At this point the angler's face glazed over.
Vic: "Do you know where you are?".
It would appear that he relied on his sat nav. ( never a good idea ) to bring him to the general area then spotting an expanse of blue on the map jumped to the conclusion that it must be DARWELL Reservoir!
The POWDERMILL reservoir is fishing well at the moment. The water level is full and the water is lovely and clear. Good bags of Rainbow are being taken on a wide assortment of flies.
06 April 2017 : JETTY WORKING PARTY !
Click on the picture for more images
8th March 2017
At Powdermill we seem to be in a most fortunate position at the moment in that our water level is only a few inches below the full level.It is anticipated that it should be completely full within a few days. Several other local East Sussex/Kent waters still are a long way from full which necessitates fishing in deep and slippery muddy conditions.
Several bags of 6 fish have been taken in the last few days by bank anglers and 4 fish of 4lb and over have been caught in the past week. Yesterday member John Noble landed a superb fish of 4lb 8oz from the dam.
Newsflash : 7th March 2017
A steady start has been made to the new season with some good bags being taken. Indeed 2 rainbows in excess of 4lb have been caught.
This is despite a plague of broken/damaged wrists and arms which has struck many of our members in the run up to the opening day! We wish Paul Strevens, Tim Stacey and Keith Blundell a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing their names in the catch book again.
5th March 2017
“At the AGM on the 5th March, the Darwell Cup for the heaviest fish of the season was won by Gary Dyer with a fine rainbow weighing a smidgeon under 6lb.
On inspection Gary saw the cup dates from 1956, shortly after the time when his Grandfather took him out for a days fishing at Powdermill. Gary cannot recall whether their efforts were successful, using the split cane rods now consigned to his attic. However he does remember the existing club hut as it then was.
Members were able to leave their rods assembled in racks along the wall, held in place by hinged wooden pegs. Adjoining were pine cupboards for tackle and kit, each with a brass mount for the members personal or business card. Tilley lamps for lighting of course! The door was left unlocked.
The original hut still stands. Notwithstanding various improvements during the last 60 years years, it retains its character including the clubroom with library and wood burning stove faithfully maintained by Vic the bailiff.
In an age of increasingly sophisticated fisheries, Powdermill offers the chance to step back in time and enjoy its unique surroundings without sacrificing the chances of a good bag.”

1st March 2017 - START OF NEW SEASON!!!
News Flash 14th February 2017
Today we received a consignment of 600 superb rainbows ( as counted and verified by Don Burt ) in readiness for the start of the new season on 1st March 2017. More deliveries will take place before the end of the month.
The photo shows Don and Vic Partridge ( Powdermill's bailiff ) superintending the business end of the delivery chute.

News Flash 12th February 2017
The new season starts on 1st March. Only just over 2 weeks to go!
The reservoir water level is only around three feet down and rising. Hopefully it will be full by the end of the week.
Stocking has commenced and so all being well we should have a fully stocked full reservoir for the start of the 2016 season.
News Flash 17th November
The reservoir has been fishing well this week now the water temperature has dropped. On Tuesday four members fishing near the lodge in front of the reads and in the corner of the dam all caught and saw plenty of action on hoppers and daddies. Richard Telford caught 3 including a beauty weighing 5lb 3oz.
Looks like we have a window of opportunity to catch a few fish before the onset of winter and with the beautiful autumnal colours a trip to Powdermill is highly recommended.
News Flash Monday 31st October 2016
Good News!
The water temperature at Powdermill has now fallen from a 20.5 high to a more seasonal 15 degrees and this seems to have brought the fish back onto the feed. Over the last 4 days 28 rainbows and one brown trout have been caught and last Friday member Bob Sanger landed a rainbow of 5lb 10oz as part of his 6 fish bag. Another bag of 5 fish was taken by another member yesterday.
Nearly all of these fish were caught from the dam.
Take the chance to enjoy this exceptional autumn sunshine at the beautiful Powdermill Reservoir before the onset of winter.
Member Dick Telford was quietly minding his own business this afternoon fishing from a boat near the bubbles enjoying the sunshine when all of a sudden a rainbow leapt from the water and landed on his lap and then finished up in the bottom of the boat. Ever the sportsman and witnessed by his boat partner Dick ensured the fish was returned to the water non the worse from it's experience. The big question must be - who was the most surprised, Dick or the fish?
Sadly two hours later Dick had failed to attract any interest to the business end of his line!
June saw just under 300 fish caught on the mayfly and we are still seeing lots of hatches and catches in July.
There has never been a better value time to visit us with July and August all day tickets reduced to just £25! The lake is very well stocked so don’t miss out on this great opportunity for some of the best fly fishing in the south east.
If you are not already aware our annual club competition and BBQ takes place this Friday 24th June. If you intend to participate and you have not yet informed Vic or Mary could you kindly do so as a matter of urgency. They will also need to know if you will be attending the post competition BBQ and prize giving.
If you would like to donate a raffle prize please can you give it to Vic. This year we are also providing a breakfast bacon roll!
Boats will still be available for visitors on this day.
Our KENT v SUSSEX match takes place on Friday 8th July. As usual this will be fished from the bank. If you would like to participate please contact Vic asap
Monday 6 June 2016
At least it is warmer this week. Last week on a couple of days the temperature was lower than that on Christmas day! This made the dam an unhospitable place for those who ventured out to fish from the bank. Having said that there was no shortage of fish being caught. Mayfly are continually hatching in numbers and the trout are feasting on them as can be seen from the surface action.
This month will see the majority of the dry fly action so a visit to our fully stocked reservoir surly is a must for all fly fishermen ( and women ).
Some days there have been very few boats left on the jetty come late morning so it would be prudent to phone our bailiff Vic Partridge between 9.30am and 10.30am to make a reservation.
The first mayfly have been spotted at the reservoir. The big question is now who will be the first to catch on a mayfly this season! With calmer warmer weather arriving it is suggested a visit to Powdermill should not be delayed.
The water is fully stocked with a fine head of fighting rainbows and most anglers are taking a good bag.
To avoid disappointment at the approaching busy time if you would like to reserve a boat please ring our bailiff Vic Partridge on 01424 870498 between 9.30 - 10.30.
Fishing Competition
Our annual competition at Powdermill Reservoir against Sussex Fly Dressers Guild took place last Saturday 9th April. The match usually takes place at the end of June/early July but had been brought forward in an attempt to improve catches. This certainly worked as in fact only one blank was recorded. Ironically this unfortunate person is a much respected member of Hastings Fly Fishers who has recorded bags of 6 fish in his previous visits this season.
A total of 59 fish were caught with a total weight of 110lb 3oz. Of this 67lb 6oz were caught by SFDG and 42lb 13oz by HFF. A resounding victory for SFDG gaining revenge for last years narrow defeat.
The heaviest fish weighing in at 4lb 9oz was caught by Mr Raw of SFDG.
Heaviest bags were taken by the aforesaid Mr Raw ( 12lb 4oz ) and Ray Burt ( 11lb 12oz ) both SFDG.
The warmer weather this week has brought about an increase in the number of anglers and several bags of 6 fish have been taken. Mayfly nymphs, damsels nymphs and montanas have been used successfully.
If you are taking a boat out it might be worth expending the energy to row to the western arm where there appear to be plenty of fish
April 15
'Some more great photos from Bob Whelan showing why you should hurry out to visit us!
The real reason for his visit was to catch his limit which he and his guest Peter Rogers succeeded in doing.'

April 10
"Powdermills at its best on Sunday 10th April " photo by Bob Whelan
April 08
Although a rise in temperature would not go amiss most anglers are catching fish and in fact several have caught 4-6 rainbows. Even the writer managed 6 last week ( see picture ).
The reservoir is fully stocked with splendid rainbows and a visit is highly recommended.
April 08
Managed to tempt 6 very hard fighting rainbows today, all of them around 2 lbs. 4 were caught on a mayfly nymph and the other 2 on a tiny black buzzer. Things are looking good for an early mayfly hatch.
Malcolm Holden
March 31
Storm Katie left its mark with three large pine trees down near the entrance to the reservoir. Fortunately, it did not block the driveway so it's business as usual.The wind was so strong on Monday that Vic deemed it necessary to ban the use of boats as a safety measure. On the rare occasions he is forced to do this he will always put a "NO BOATS" message on the boats blackboard at the entrance to the lodge.The strong winds and disappointing weather over the Easter holiday kept numbers down but most of those who did fish managed to catch (yours truly excepted!).
We had a delivery of fish yesterday and hopefully with warmer more settled weather forecast we can get on with some serious fishing. The stocks are high!
March 18
There was most definitely a call for thermals with this weeks perpetual freezing North and East winds blowing down the reservoir.
We are now fully stocked and some of those hardy souls who did venture out got amongst the fish.
On Tuesday John Noble fished the dam and accounted for a fine bag of 6 rainbows totalling almost 12lb and this morning two visitors took 6 fish each.
The fish were taken on a wide variety of flies including buzzers, nymphs, mayfly nymphs and damsels. It appears to be a question of seeing what works on the day.
Here's hoping for some gentle south westerly breezes as soon as possible.
March 9
Looking at the catch book for Monday and Tuesday of this week several anglers have caught between 4-6 fish. The successful flies are mainly Nymphs and in particular Mayfly nymphs.
I must give a mention to member Don Burt who after a couple of blanks has got his season off with a bag of 6 fish. Two of these were hooked on one cast and he was fortunate to have Vic on hand to assist with netting them.
Another delivery of 300 fish is due later this week and after todays rain eventually clears the weather for next week or so looks quite reasonable.
What a super fish! Plenty more where that came from!
"Fished today in glorious sunshine although, a little chilly. John Walters fished the bank next to me and lost a fish and shortly after hooked this beauty which I landed for him. 5lb 9oz. In perfect condition and gave a good account of itself. John was happy for me to pass the photo onto you. I caught my six after john left. Biggest 2lb 8oz. All fish caught on green damsel nymphs."
Dick Telford
Friday 4th March
After a grim start to the season weather-wise yesterday proved a much better day
(as predicted by yours truly!) with nine anglers catching 19 fish between them.
So far nymphs seem to be favourite and in fact the visitor who caught 5 rainbows from the eastern bank on the opening day actually spooned his fish to find them full of mayfly nymph.
Vic reckons this to be remarkably early in the season for mayfly nymphs to be out of the mud, in fact on Wednesday he had a few casts from the damn and landed a 4lb 10oz fish on a Walkers mayfly nymph!
Another consignment of plump rainbows arrived yesterday so if you fancy trying your luck at the weekend there should be plenty of fish out there.
After 9 or 10 dry but cold days the eagerly awaited opening day 1st March finally arrived.
What a disappointment weather wise. We were met by a strong cold south easterly wind with continual horizontal rain. For once the Met. Office had got it right!
This no doubt put a lot of intending anglers off and in fact only one boat ventured out and that was not until the weather calmed down and the rain stopped around 2.00pm.
In all 9 hardy souls fished taking 9 rainbows between them with one visitor fishing the eastern bank catching 5 fish.
The weather looks dryer later in the week with Thursday looking promising. Let's hope more of you can get the season off to a start.
A bumper load of 610 fish were delivered this week.
The delivery consisted of beautiful fish of various sizes
from 2lb to 4lb
Vic already has a number of bookings for boats for the first day of the 2016 season
Which is just next week !
If you were planning to fish from a boat next Tuesday it is recommended that you call Vic (between 9.30am and 10.30am) on 01424 870498 to avoid disappointment.
FISH DELIVERY 18th February 2016
Our first delivery of Rainbows arrived from Hook Springs today. The fish were in the 1lb 8oz - 2lb bracket.
The pictures show the Hook Springs man unloading from the tanks and fine net full of fish which our Bailiff Vic Partridge releases into the reservoir.
The new 2016 season starts two weeks tomorrow on TUESDAY 1st MARCH
Let's hope it's a bit warmer than today!
We expect the first of our fish deliveries towards the end of this week with a bumper 610 fish delivery early next week which should include some larger specimens.
I will try to post some photographs ( weather permitting )
If I recall for the last few years Diawl Bachs, Montanas and green nymphs have done well early in the season. Perhaps now is the time to check your tackle box in readiness.
Peter Ralph will now be looking after the News section of the website.
If you have any items you would like to include in this feature please email them to Peter on
pete.ralph@btinternet.com or call him on 07768 625570.
09 Feb 2016 - 2016 Season starts 3 weeks today
DON'T FORGET! 2016 season starts 3 weeks today.
Three fish deliveries are due before the month end. Let's hope the weather will be kind so that the delivery vehicle can get easy access to the reservoir.
It is with great sadness that we note that the Club has lost a long standing and loyal member.
Tony Tubb has been a supportive and enthusiastic member of the Hastings Flyfishers’ Club for over 50 years and we were sorry to learn of his recent death.
Tony was always charming, a real gentleman, and well liked by all who knew him and met him. He was a great sportsman in his youth and always enjoyed his fishing and his visits to Powdermill over the years. He will be missed by everyone at the Club and we send our condolences to his family.
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